27 August 2005
Event Report
Event Summary Old Time Stunt 35 Rat Race 1/2 A Rat Race 100 Lapper Slow Combat Balloon Bust Picture Gallery
Event Summary
The 2nd Annual Nickless Fun Fly was held in Lansing, Michigan on August 27, 2005, at Elm Street Park, the official flying site for the Lansing Flying Aces.
Saturday morning saw rain falling as Flying Aces members started arriving at the park. The drops continued to fall off and on while some of the pilots did some practice runs, however as the morning progressed, the sun came out and dried everything off. From that point on it was blue skies and sunshine.
While we were setting up, an early arrival, Jim Morway of Holly, Michigan, went out to do a demonstration flight. We were amazed to watch this guy fly. He was not even looking at the plane as he shielded his eyes from the rain while he was flying. However he knew where it was at all times through years of flying experience. After Jim's demo, his buddy, John Paris, flew a slow speed pass with his Bi-Slob, at one point making it hover. Ken Strobel, Contest Director, was heard to ask, "How come my BI-Slob doesn't do that???"
The contest flying started around 10:30 AM with the following events: Old Time Stunt, ½ A Rat Race, 35 Rat Race, Slow Speed Combat, 100 Lap Run (a new event) and a Balloon Bust (which was a challenge as a wind picked up in the afternoon). All events were completed by early evening. There were trophies to third place in all six events. The goal of our fun fly is to have fun and enjoy some competition. All in attendance agreed both objectives were accomplished and they are already planning for next year.
The Lansing Channel Six TV News Team (WLNS) came out to do a news story that was broadcast on the Six O'clock news. By the time the equipment was packed, the Sun was going down, but everyone's spirits were sky high. Everyone is looking forward to the Third Annual Nickless Fun Fly!
Old Time Stunt

1) Joe Kresnak - Grand Rapids, MI;
2) Paul Smith - Sterling Hts, MI;
3) Carl Zerfas - Grand Rapids, MI
35 Rat Race

1) Rich Kacmarsky - Lansing, MI;
2) Tim Nickless - Holt, MI;
3) Frank Carlisle - Detroit, MI
1/2 A Rat Race

1) Paul Smith - Sterling Hts, MI;
2) Jim Morway - Holly, MI;
3) Kim Kramer - Charlotte, MI (Not pictured)
100 Lap Run

1) Paul Smith - Sterling Hts, MI;
2) Frank Carlisle - Detroit, MI;
3) Carl Zerfus - Grand Rapids, MI
Slow Combat

1) Clark Kintigh - Lansing, MI;
2) Paul Smith - Sterling Hts, MI;
3) Joe Kresnak - Grand Rapids, MI
Balloon Bust

1) Paul Smith - Sterling Hts, MI;
2) Jim Morway - Holly, MI;
3) Carl Zerfus - Grand Rapids, MI
Picture Gallery
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